1st Grade Social Studies Symbols & Mottos of U.S.
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1st Grade Social Studies Symbols & Mottos of U.S.


Define and Identify U.S. Symbols and Mottos

NeoLithix's digital Social Studies workbook contains 34 pages of learning content plus 2 bonus pages.  This workbook will help your student learn the symbols and mottos of the United States of America. Student's hand-write in the workbook countless times "digitally" using a stylus.  A great 'green" product!


-Children write, trace & color by hand, learning the fun digital way.

-Student's can self-assess, save their work for later review by a parent, teacher or tutor

-Scaffolding- Student's learn the material, practice the material, review the material (question and answer pages), and enjoy games and activities that reinforce the learning content in between!

Catalog # 01SS03
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